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How to Install Thunder Kodi Addon

This post will teach you the basic steps to install the Thunder addon on Kodi. Thunder is the Spanish video addon that is available on the OnePlay repository. Here you can find various categories, i.e., movies, live TV, TV shows, tools, and anime. Although the add-on provides content in Spanish and Portuguese, it also offers subtitles in many languages.

Moreover, there are various alternatives to the Thunder addon like Resolvedor, DORAMAS, Rumble, IPTV Premium, Animes Play, Tube Music, etc.

Installation Steps

Enables Unknown Sources

Tap on the Settings icon as shown on the Kodi Home screen.

Click on Settings icon

Choose the System sign from the group of icons.

Select System tab

Choose the Add-ons tab and turn on Unknown sources mode.

Turn on Unknown sources

Tap on the Yes button displayed in the warning popup.

Hit Yes

Add Media Source and Repository URL

Click on the first icon, File manager.

Open File manager

Tap on the Add source option to add a new media source.

Add source for Oneplay repo

Click on the <None> tab to enter a new media path.

Click on None

After clicking None, you are redirected to the path location page.

Now, you have to enter media path

Here, enter the media URL for the repository as https://oneplayhd.com/oneplay/ and press the OK toggle.

Type Oneplay repo URL

Now, click on the media source name, oneplay.

Click on media source name text box

Remain with the source name as it is and hit the OK key.

Add media source name oneplay

Check the entered OnePlay repository URL and source name again, and click on the OK sign.

Click on the OK button

The oneplay media source was successfully saved in File manager.

oneplay media source added

Install from Zip File

After adding the source, go back and choose the next option, Add-ons.

Select Add-ons

Tap on the Install from zip file option.

Open Install from zip file

Choose the oneplay source from here.

Select oneplay source

Select the One.repo-x.x.zip file.

Tap on Oneplay repo zip file

Wait until the Repository: ONEPLAY Add-on installed notification appears on the screen.

Wait for Oneplay repo installation

Install from Repository

Go ahead and select the next tab, Install from repository.

Hit Install from repository tab

Choose Repositorio: ONEPLAY as listed here.

Select Oneplay repository

Install Thunder Addon

Click on Video add-ons.

Choose Video add-ons

Select the Thunder addon.

Click on Thunder addon

Hit the last button, Install.

Press Install button

Press the OK key and move to the next step.

Click on OK

Launch Thunder Addon

Wait until the Thunder Add-on installed popup message appears on the screen.

Wait for Thunder addon installation

Hit the Open button to open the Thunder addon.

Hit the Open key

Now, select any of the sections and enjoy the streaming on the Thunder addon.

Select your favorite section

Here, I select the Movies section.

Click on Movies

Now, it displays Primiere and trending categories. Choose anyone and enjoy the streaming.

Choose Movie subcategory

Final Words

The post has discussed steps to install the Thunder addon on Kodi. These steps work on Firestick, Roku, Chromecast, and Android. So, look at the steps and start the installation process, and feel free to ask if you have any questions regarding the post.

James is the Co-founder of VPNHACKS.COM. He is a streaming geek and a privacy expert. James streams over different devices like Firestick, Kodi, Roku, Shield, Boxes, Google Chromecast, and Apple TV. IPVanish VPN is his favourite VPN for streaming. You can contact him on LinkedIn. more...

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