Home » Kodi » Funflix Kodi Build: Installation Guide & FAQs

Funflix Kodi Build: Installation Guide & FAQs

In this post, we will learn about FunFlix Build and the steps to install FunFlix Build on Kodi. These steps also work fine with Linux, iOS, Mac, Android, Firestick, Chromecast, Raspberry Pi, Roku, and Nvidia Shield.

FunFlix Build is a solid Kodi Build that belongs to the well-known Crew Repository. Using it, you can watch almost all categories of movies, documentaries, sports, games, documentaries, and kids’ shows.

Additionally, the Build has a proper layout and navigation theme to find the desired content quickly. Moreover, the Build also offers various popular add-ons like Seren, The Crew, Chains, The Mad Titan, etc. Some of the necessary steps to install the FunFlix Kodi Build are the following:

Enable Unknown Sources

Open Kodi from the Start menu and select the Settings tab.

Open Settings tab

The Settings tab shows a list of icons where you need to choose System sign.

Choose System icon

Click on the Add-ons option and slide right Unknown sources key.

Turn on Unknown sources

As you enable Unknown sources a warning box appears. Here, tap on the Yes button.

Hit Yes button

Add Media Source and Repository URL

Go to the previous System Settings page and select the File Manager key.

Tap on File manager key

Now, click on the Add source option available on the File Manager page.

Add media source for The Crew repo

Select the <None> tab from here.

Hit the None option

Enter the path for the media location as https://team-crew.githu.io.

Enter The Crew repo URL

Click on Enter a name for this media source text box.

Enter a media source name for The Crew repo

Enter a media source name, such as FunFlix, and hit the OK button.

Give media source name FunFlix

Check all the details, like the entered repository URL and media source name.

Click OK to save details

The recently added FunFlix media source shows on the File Manager screen.

FunFlix source added successfully

Install from Zip File

Return to the Settings window and put the cursor on the Add-ons icon.

Click on Add-ons icon

Choose the Install from zip file option.

Choose Install from zip file

Click on the FunFlix media folder.

Select FunFlix

Choose the repository.thecrew-x.x.x.zip file.

Click on The Crew repo zip file

Install from Repository

Wait for The Crew Repo Add-on installed notification, and thereafter select the Install from repository tab.

Choose Install from repository tab

Choose The Crew Repo option.

Select The Crew Repo

Click on Program add-ons.

Choose Program add-ons

Select the Chains Build Wizard.

Click on Chains Build Wizard

Choose the Install key.

Tap the Install button

Now, hit OK to close the popup screen appears.

Press the OK key

After that, click on Close to remove the popup box.

Tap on Close key

Click Yes to install Build from the Chains Build Wizard.

Hit Yes

Select FunFlix Gratis Version x.x. from the Build Menu.

Choose FunFlix Build

Tap the Continue key to install FunFlix Build on your device.

Hit the Continue button

Wait until the FunFlix Build download completes.

Wait for downloading of FunFlix Build

Now, FunFlix Build starts extracting files, wait for the over.

Wait for the extracting of FunFlix Build files

After some time, a Chain Build Wizard popup appears with the text Install Complete. Click OK to close the Kodi window.

Click OK to close Kodi

Final Words

At last, the FunFlix is best Kodi Build to stream your favorite movies and TV shows. So, just try to install the FunFlix Build in your Kodi platform and freely ask the related doubts in the comment section box.

Ariel is an information security leader, having over 10 years of experience in cybersecurity. Hence, he has in-depth knowledge of the IT world. He writes about Kodi, VPN, IPTV Hacks. more...

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